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Class Passes and Online Studio Passes

  • 4 Classes - Yoga Den

    Valid for 4 classes at the Yoga Den
    Valid for 2 months
    • Yin and Pranayama
    • Mellow Flow
  • 8 Class Pass - The Yoga Den

    Valid for 8 classes at The Yoga Den
    Valid for 4 months
    • Yin and Pranayama
    • Mellow Flow
  • Musselburgh - Block of 4 classes

    A 4 class pass to book into Vinyasa classes at Fisherrow, Musselburgh.
    Valid for 2 months
    • Vinyasa
  • 8 Class Pass - Musselburgh Classes

    Valid for 8 classes in Musselburgh
    Valid for 4 months
    • Vinyasa
    • Mellow Flow
  • Pranayama Coaching

    A personalised, month long Pranayama program. Tailored for your own needs and goals.
    Valid for 2 months
    • Tailored Pranayama Program
    • Four Private 45 minute sessions on zoom over a month
    • A daily pranayama recording to practice and follow
  • Anandamaya Studio

    Every month
    Explore yoga on a deeper, subtler level with access to the on demand classes and programs
     7 day free trial
    • Philosophy
    • Reading Lists
    • Contemplative Practices
    • Meditations
    • Pranayama Learning Pathway
    • Vinyasa
    • Kriya Classes
  • Anandamaya Studio - Loyalty Reward

    Valid for one month
    • To be redeemed with loyalty points for one month free access
    • Unlimited access to Anandamaya Studio for one month
    • Access to the community group
    • Access to the recordings of the morning pranayama sessions
    • Free booking to morning pranayama sessions for one month
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©2024 Gareth Jones Yoga.

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